I'm persuaded that man may never come to the full comprehension of the depth, the height, and the breadeth with which he's been loved
God has loved us and He JUST did....
The complexity of this simplicity always gets us into trying to earn His love
Yielding being the only prerequisite to this...
The narrow way of the seeker is open day and night, should he be prepared to set forth.
This reminds me of a familiar concept " When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" which is a key factor in finding knowledge and guidance. Why do we need all this knowledge!?
[Hos.4.6 My people...
In the attempt to break the routines, my friends and I ended up at the waterside resort where a gathering of both the young and old people were dancing to the rhythm of music; one that's pleasing to the ear, emotionally evocative, and memorable...
The cool breeze whistled softly, blowing...
In the attempt to break the routines, my friends and I ended up at the waterside resort where a gathering of both the young and old people were dancing to the rhythm of music; one that's pleasing to the ear, emotionally evocative, and memorable...
The cool breeze whistled softly, blowing...
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