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The Canopy


Well-known member
Staff member
Dec 28, 2023
A presence that commands all obeisance
Stratum of fresh green leaves are all spread out one over the other with ample room for them all.
an aura of mystery, moreover hushed
The glorious landing

All powerful on drawing mortals to Himself, the transfer of affection
A fresh Wind, signs of heavy rain, the clouds will empty themselves upon the land
Joints will not dare to pick themselves up

Now is the time, the sower who didn't slacken in his work will reap
The cloud above has closed in, cloud-rider covered in a dark waterfilled trenchcoat
Only a little expanse is left to allow for the laudation and downpouring
The channels of the sea are not left hidden. Neither shame nor guilt will have a bearing
Veils will nolonger be needed in the central courts of the dark arch

This is your day of Sabbath, rest on your right, rest on your left, in this place you'll rest from all labour
For the waters below, fair and beautiful in elevation; the joy of the land
The ancient pillar of His covering and smoke, now also your glory and in the dark, a flaming fire your mark
Healing in your dwelling
In His very presence, a defense of divine love, power and protection
The declaration of new levels