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Do you see and hear?


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2022
Do you see and hear?

 22 And the Lord said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: You saw for yourselves that I spoke to you from heaven.

Exodus 20:22 NLT

Shalom everyone, this is the day the Lord has made so let's not mess it up!

A number of the Lord's prophets announced before 2020 that it would be a year of separation among born again believers.  A few of the prophets went a step further and said those whose hearts were burning would go higher and begin to learn to rest in the Lord no matter what happened.

Today's text is another verse for 2022, it is the first place in the Bible where there is a chapter 20 and a verse 22.  The Lord is saying two very important things to the people.

"You saw for yourselves that I spoke to you from heaven."  Seeing and hearing!!

This was under the Old Covenant, we are living under a better Covenant with better promises, Hebrews 8.

As a born again believer you will not advance in spiritual maturity without seeing Him and hearing His voice.

"What you see with the eyes of your heart and what you hear with the ears of your heart are what is real", not what you see with your natural eyes or hear with your natural ears.

The Lord and angelic beings do at times appear in the natural, many have experienced this over the course of Church history and in the Bible.

Under the New Covenant we should be experiencing greater glory than did Moses, we should be seeing and hearing the Lord!

What is sad is many believers are content staying where they are, Laodicea.

But there is a remnant that is answering the Revelation 4:1 open door call..."Come up here and I will show you what must take place in the future!"

This is the New Covenant call:  See and Hear then Obey!!

Rest in the Lord and answer His call, "See Me,  hear Me and obey!"



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