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  1. Love_DivineAnn


    Chef or wife or mom is always cooking food in the kitchen, tend to get burn alot and accidentally 🤔 😅 we get tattoos of burn in our hands without an artist. 🎨 😅  Main artist that gives us mark are fire 🔥, steams, ice and hot water.  Those who want to look brave get tattoos by artist and those...
  2. Love_DivineAnn

    Parenting differences

    Parenting differences  Indian parenting it's to live in fear  Western parenting it's to face fear  Indian parent tend to over power they children and give lots of fear, always scared child getting hurt.  Western parent want children to explore and be more independent at very small age.
  3. Love_DivineAnn

    Mind is CPU

    Mind is CPU - what u read, listen and watching is a software you feeding into your computer 🖥 then your mind will start to run according to that softwares.  Even your habits, behavior, actions and words is coming out from that roots of information that you have allow to enter inside you.
  4. Love_DivineAnn


    Why does the word "my" give meaning as property. My wife, My husband, My child, My friend, My Father, My Mother, My Teacher have we come to own each other. My book, My page, My Group, My channel, My tweet, My writing, My Invention, My House, My money, My Body Whole our life is full of My My My...
  5. Love_DivineAnn


    Conquer Why do men have desire to conquer opposite gender in the name of love ? If one love Divine or God would one have desire to conquer someone ✨️ and would the person have desire to eat God too ? When the word conquer is use it make me feel ✨️ I will be trap in some beautiful decorated...
  6. Love_DivineAnn

    Talkative Mind

    When our mind start to talk non-stop about many topics, it get trigger about anything it's see, listen or read the subconscious mind will get provoke by it and will work out it's energy to speak reminding us what all we needed to do, who we want to talk to but what topic or just remembered that...